What is a WFOE?
When in the past a Joint Venture Company with a local co-investor was the only entry ticket to the marketplace, nowadays the Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise (WFOE) is often the best alternative legal form of foreign incorporation, as a Limited liability company wholly owned by foreign investor(s).
In China, WFOEs were originally conceived for encouraged manufacturing activities that were either export orientated or which introduced advanced technology. However, with China's entry into the WTO, these conditions were gradually abolished and today the WFOE is increasingly being used for service providers such as a variety of consulting and management services, software development and trading companies as well.
Process Administration
Dongfang Pilots you Safely through Shallow Seas of Administration, Finance and Logistcs:
Formal Application Processes, Fund-Moving, Project Financing
DONGFANG can assist in your application for a local Business Certificate, your Patent, your Trade Mark Registration, Back-to-Back Financing, certified Surveys, Attestation, Legalization, opening of Offshore Accounts, etc., and we keep on top of events, obtain intermediary information, status updates, we seek official benevolence, streamline procedures and obtain the quickest possible way to finish your walk through bureaucracy.
We offer advice in payment matters and capital transfer, we investigate available means of third-party (co-) financing, and in many cases we can recommend favorable currency solutions in terms of cost control, risk distribution and interest potential, especially in the frequently adjusted RMB Yuan convertibility environment.